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Who Are We?

RVA Go Getters is a growing organization!  Our membership is industry specific and allows for one member per category.  

Our Mission

RVA Go Getters Networking Group strives to enrich the networking group experience with assistant-based referrals; updated metrics of membership earnings; consistently inviting guests; constant membership participation; membership support and a business rewards program, all devoted to optimizing our networking culture.

Who would be a good fit with us?

Our organization would benefit practically any business.  However, we are encouraging businesses in the service arena, such as, plumbers, HVAC mechanics, electricians, and other handy man/woman, as well as, massage therapist, event planners, and unique business owners in specialty fields.   Please feel free to join us on, and invite guests to, our weekly network events to learn more about our objectives.

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the team

Executive Council & Founding Members

Additional Founding Members

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