Membership Benefits
Weekly networking meetings including featured guest(s) speaker/presentation
Quarterly face-to-face networking meetings including featured guest(s)/presentation
Assisted-Base Referrals to/from members and guests
Opportunities to expose/promote your business to members and guests
One-One business chats with members and guests
Exposure to local & regional events
Special member discounts for services/events when offered
Participation in a "Referral Thank You Rewards Program"​
We appreciate your interest in the RVA Go Getters. Please carefully review the information below before continuing.
General Information:
A candidate who is in an industry position that is currently not represented within the group is eligible for membership. This person must be recommended by a current member. This person must be approved by the executive council unanimously after their application has been turned in. A background check is required for membership. Once a background check has been done and approved, their membership will be approved. This process should take no more than two weeks from the date the application is turned in to the executive council.
Membership Requirements:
As a member, you will be expected to attend at least two meetings a month virtually and to attend all quarterly face-to-face meetings. You will be expected to actively invite business guests to our meetings. You will be expected to meet virtually and in person with both members and guests for the purpose of fellowship, not just to sell your services or products, but rather to see how you can be a resource for members and guests on a consistent basis. You will be expected to actively provide a minimum of 12 assisted-base referrals annually help to members and/or guest. You will also be expected to have 12 business meetings with members and /or guest. You will be expected to always provide superior service to members and guest. Attendance is key.
Expected Weekly Information Provided:
In addition to fellowship, the main goal of the RVA Go Getters is to generate income for each other in order to help each other grow professionally. Therefore, each member will be expected to report weekly: closed business between you, and a member or guest in dollars; the number of assisted-base referrals given out; the number of meetings you had, and the number of “thank you rewards to a member or guest.
Non-compliance of any of these member requirements or expectations can result in the non-refundable membership termination from the RVA Go Getters executive committee. Direct sales and MLM (Multi Level Marketing) applicants agree to focus participation on product and services, not recruitment or business opportunity. Adhering to all of the RVA Go Getters By-Laws is required.
If you have been referred by a current member, click Apply below.